Wednesday 4th February Bird Watching Cruise with Ian Waite

By Lauren | 6 February 2015

Before we left our mooring a Kingfisher flew past into the Marina reflecting the sunshine that stayed with us throughout. The Avocets were again impressive but more spread out.  There were hundreds on the mudflats interspersed with many Shelduck, Dunlin, Curlew and Grey Plovers, a good demonstration of the large number of birds we have…

Rent our boat Pride of Exmouth

Bird Watching 31st January 2015 with Dave Smallshire

By Lauren | 31 January 2015

A strong northerly wind seemed to keep most of the birds at the sheltered northern end of the estuary today, but the rain missed us and we sailed in lovely sunshine. A Sanderling and some Turnstones were notable as we passed the dunes at Dawlish Warren, though a distant group of Knot on the mud…

New Merchandise

By Lauren | 23 January 2015

Did you know we sell a variety of different gifts and souvenirs on our boats and in our booking office? From magnets to post cards, key rings to pens! This week we had some brand new ‘Stuart Line’ pens delivered to us in 7 different colours!  On our Facebook page is a competition to win…

2015 Leaflets

By Lauren | 16 January 2015

This week marks the arrival of our brand new 2015 leaflets, designed by local business Vibrant Pulse. We have had a whopping 200 000 of them delivered to us here!  We have been very busy over the past couple of weeks putting away all of our Christmas bits and pieces to make room for this…

Please vote for us

By Admin | 8 January 2015

Family Business United announces those in the running for the South West Family Business of the Year Title 2015 The deliberations are over and the team at Family Business United are delighted to announce the shortlist for the South West Family Business Of The Year 2015 Award. The shortlisted firms are: Buttermilk Confections New Forest Ice…