Poetry Writing Competition Winners!
I must say, I have been entirely overwhelmed by the number of entries for this ‘nature themed’ poetry writing competition. Choosing a ‘winner’ was extremely difficult; I truly mean it when I say that they were all brilliant.
Although the competition element has been fun, the main objective here has been to encourage creativity, appreciation of nature, focus on happy memories and in turn, it has been my hope that people may therefore feel connected, engaged and less socially isolated, at this extraordinarily strange and unsettling time for us all.
This is why we have whittled it down to 5 favourites and is also why we have decided to publish every single entry – 1 per day, so that you can all enjoy each and every one just as much as I have, over the coming weeks.
Thank you SO much to everyone who has taken part – reading your beautiful words has been the most wonderful treat – truly it has.
In no particular order, our favourite 5 are as follows…
Sailing on the low tide,
o’er the sand she does glide,
the sun, high in the sky,
birds in stereo, we hear their cry.
Carefully following the channel,
silently and steadily we travel.
As the sun’s reflection glistens,
our senses heightened, we sit and listen.
Cormorant to the left, shag to the right,
oystercatchers on the shoreline, more in flight.
Totally absorbed by mother nature at her best,
we look up to the tree tops and spy the heron’s nest.
The sun is sinking in the west,
the flocks of birds now take their rest,
her ray’s shorten and the water turns gold,
the air cools quickly, in fact it’s cold.
A flash of blue crosses our bow,
surely not a kingfisher, not now.
For day has turned to into night,
time to rest, not be in full flight.
As we retrace our journey, somewhat faster,
who is at the helm, oh it’s the master.
The Pride of Exmouth heads back to shore,
the light has faded we can birdwatch no more.
Written by: Nina Geraghty
Staying local, adjusting to new routines
Easter looming, missing family, grandchildren, teens.
Amazing tech to help with contacts,
Nature reasserting itself and getting in on the act.
Birds nesting and bringing forth the next generation
Birdsong as the sun rises – no noise, all is done.
Seas recovering from pollution
Dolphins, fish, seals, whales dance in the waves of nature’s solution.
Flowers raising their heads to the sun, wind and showers
New innovations for meals
Trying different hobbies, talents formerly unknown
Making masks instead of curtains
To help our valued and wonderful NHS staff
Looking after one another, community help
Pollution decreases enormously across the world
Silence can be heard!
We wait in hope for life to normalise again
With great sadness for some who are in pain.
We hope that the new normal will remain
And greed and selfishness diminish to allow
Our wonderful planet the chance it deserves to breathe now
Written by: Kate Kingham
I and my dear friend Jeannie
Set sail with a Stuart line
We both knew it was not going to be repeated
Jeannie was very ill
We saw a baby seal,
We saw new life,
I have the photos
A memory I was treated
Jeannie was brave and stoic
We all need to draw on her strength
Life will be different now
Stronger , slower, valued
On the other side
People will be Loved.
Written by: Sue Griffin
Spring is here, clocks have changed and nature wakes from its slumber,
but don’t think Spring’s the time of year that comes just before summer.
Springtime’s when things start to happen, wake up and emerge
and it can be the best escape from daily news and dirge.
Nature doesn’t always have to be big, bold and bright
It comes in every shape and size, terrestrial or in flight
It’s the things you take for granted, that you often miss,
like appreciating how colourful a starling really is
Perhaps a majestic bumblebee or your first butterfly,
a buzzard soaring through the air or a hedgehog stopping by!
There’s beauty right there in your garden … morning, noon and night,
you only need to sit down and soak up these delights.
So please don’t squander this great chance, this opportunity …
to understand that all around you, there is so much to see.
Whether you just seek it out or let it come to you,
soak up nature’s bounty, and you might enjoy it too!
Written by: Rick Carter
We go on the Exmouth boat.
Oscar sings a happy note!
Along comes a Billy goat,
Swimming fast, with a float.
We sail on the Stuart Line Cruise,
People taking photos for the news,
Of the animals and their poos,
Because nature has no loos.
We love the Brixham Pirate day,
Dressed as pirate, ready to play.
We cannot find a parrot, so we use a Jay!
We go crab hunting in Brixham Bay.
All abroad the Stuart Line ship,
Off on the Teignmouth carnival trip,
The fireworks were such a pip!
The grey seal ate one chip.
Written by: Oscar, age 9 and Malachi, age 6.
I hope that you have enjoyed these as much as I have and please watch this space for a poem a day, to keep the social isolation at bay!
With love,
Lauren xxxx
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