English Riviera Airshow

RAF Typhoon and Battle of Britain Memorial flight display teams confirmed for English Riviera Airshow!
The team behind organising the English Riviera Airshow have received confirmation that the RAF Red Arrows, RAF Typhoon, and the Battle of Britain Memorial flight teams will be appearing at the two-day event this June.
The English Riviera Airshow which is taking place on Saturday 1 and Sunday 2 June will once again host the best, noisiest and most exciting RAF display teams! Stuart Line Cruises will be operating our ever-popular English Riviera Airshow Cruise on Sunday 2nd June only – you may wonder why we will not be attending on 1st June as well but this is due to an existing Private Charter booking.

Back for the first time since 2019, the RAF Typhoon will roar across the sky on both days, showcasing its pure power and agility. A marvel of modern engineering, the noise, speed, and bright engine glow, the RAF Typhoon is guaranteed to thrill crowds and is best seen and heard from the water! It is impossible to explain the thrill which rips through you as it soars over the boat – you’ve really just got to be there!

To celebrate their 60th display season, the RAF Red Arrows, return to the English Riviera with their full nine-ship team. The iconic crimson jets, with their synchronised manoeuvres, will streak across the Bay on Saturday 1 June which, very sadly, will not coincide with our cruise but as you can see, there will be plenty of other very exciting craft on the Sunday. The RAF Red Arrows, UK display season is reduced this summer, as the team head to North America in August, meaning the English Riviera Airshow were incredibly lucky to secure them for another year.
The Battle of Britain Memorial flight, made up of the Lancaster, Spitfire, and Hurricane will gracefully display together on both days. Their gentle engine purrs pay homage to our history and the valour of those who defended our skies during World War II. A fitting tribute as the nation marks the 80th Anniversary in the D-Day landings later in June.
Tickets are selling fast so we recommend getting in early! – Book here now.
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