A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good day to you, dear friends! As ever, I do hope that you are keeping safe and well. It is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 94th Birthday! The Queen requested no celebrations today – in light of the current situation with COVID-19, she felt it would be somewhat inappropriate. However, today marks the birth of…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Dear readers, I trust I find you well? Firstly, thank you to all of our wonderful loyal customers who have been sending emails and messages of support and love over the past few weeks – it really does mean the world! There is no doubt that these are challenging times and like so many, we…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good afternoon, folks! Well, I was sad indeed to hear the news yesterday evening, that the lockdown restrictions will be further extended for at least another 3 weeks. Of course, I fully support this – it would be far too risky to lift restrictions at this point and undo all of the great effort which…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good day, dear friends! I hope you are happy and well. The gleaming sunshine continues and there is a real sense that Spring is in the air, as gardens come to life and wildlife appears to thrive. Today’s poem fits this theme just perfectly, as well as addressing current concerns and I hope that you…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good afternoon dear readers, And what a wonderful afternoon it is – it really is a GOOD afternoon! Chilly with that rather unfriendly north easterly wind mind you – well, it may feel unfriendly as I trot along the seafront for my daily jaunt but I mustn’t complain about this breeze for it brings bright…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good afternoon, dear readers! I hope you are keeping safe and well and have managed to enjoy the glorious sunshine from the safety of your gardens, balconies or during your daily exercise! Welcome to my first (hopefully of many) blog post, on the theme of ‘a poem a day to keep social isolation at bay’.…

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Poetry Writing Competition Winners!

I must say, I have been entirely overwhelmed by the number of entries for this ‘nature themed’ poetry writing competition. Choosing a ‘winner’ was extremely difficult; I truly mean it when I say that they were all brilliant. Although the competition element has been fun, the main objective here has been to encourage creativity, appreciation…

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⚓ Stuart Line Cruises Monthly Newsletter ⚓ March 2020 ⚓

Welcome to Stuart Line Cruises’ March Newsletter For those of you who are new to this monthly sign-up, welcome! And for those who have been loyal readers for some time, welcome back to your favourite read of the month! Following what has probably been the most extraordinarily strange month for everyone across the globe, my…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Sunday 8th March🕊

The last of the bird watching cruises went exceptionally well with plenty of birds on view for the visitors to see. The dependable Slavonian Grebe was on show off Starcross accompanied by Great Crested Grebe. 10+ Shag with 20+ Cormorant in breeding plumage with what looked like 2 Continental Cormorants in amongst them. Good numbers…

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🕊Guided Bird Watching Review – Saturday 7th March🕊

Nice even light for my final cruise of the season. After a tip-off that there was a Spoonbill somewhere on the Exe (thanks Derek!), we had very distant views of it from the boat, feeding off Mudbank Lane, Exmouth. Other highlights included – near Turf – the overwintered male Ruff with large numbers of Black-tailed…

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