April Newsletter

English Riviera Airshow 2024 From the birds on the Estuary in last months newsletter, to a different type of bird! The English Riviera Air Show – have released more details about this years airshow. Previously the Torbay Air Show – is a magnificent flying feast for the eyes.  This is the first show of the…

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Bird Watching Cruises – 9th March 2024

With heavy rain forecast, we expected the worst but as often happens on these cruises we were pleasantly surprised that the worst of the rain held off until we got off the boat when we returned to Exmouth. Not that it would have mattered with a covered heated lower deck to our comfort! As we…

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Guided Bird Watching – 8 March 2024

The fresh ESE wind persisted, but the cloudy start ended in pleasant sunshine. The cruise started well, with a Red-breasted Mergansers and a loose group of Eiders, the latter diving over the mussel beds. A dozen or more Shags were seen in the outer part of the estuary, including nice views of breeding plumage adults…

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Guided Bird Watching – 7th March 2024

There was a fresh ESE wind today, but mostly sunny conditions. Groups of Brent Geese were feeding in the Wildlife Refuge area at Dawlish Warren, the first of maybe a thousand seen today! A dozen or more Shags were scattered around the outer part of the estuary, several sporting their breeding crests which blew around…

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Guided Bird Watching – 23rd February 2024

Slightly better conditions today with visibility perfectly ideal for a birdwatching cruise on the Exe Estuary with again great company. As we left Exmouth Marina several people saw the Great Northern Diver at a distance off Pole Sands we continued along the edge of Dawlish Warren where we had great views of Curlew, Oystercatchers Herring…

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Guided Bird Watching – 22nd Feb 2024

Slightly inclement conditions today but visibility was perfect for a birdwatching cruise on the Exe Estuary with great company. We left Exmouth Marina and cruised along the edge of Dawlish Warren where we had great views of Curlew, Oystercatchers Herring gulls and a few DB Brent Geese feeding in the Shutterton area of the Wildlife…

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Guided Bird Watching – 21st Feb 2024

Passengers were given three pieces of good news as we set off in the rain this morning: Exmouth is statistically the driest place in Devon; Dartmoor was due to get three times more rain than us; and the rain was expected to clear in an hour or two. Thankfully, the Met Office got it right…

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