A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay
Good day, folks!
I trust this finds you well?
The skies are a little more grey here in Exmouth today and I feel a little light-hearted poem will be just the thing to lift spirits and brighten the day! We have already enjoyed a poem written by Fran and Mac and whether you’re a cat lover or not, this one is sure to tickle you!
Happy reading.
Roly Poly Boly Beau, soft and black and fat;
That is my Beau, and well I know he is a handsome cat.
When walking close beside me if I’m carrying a cup,
I can’t turn left, I can’t turn right, or he will trip me up.
He has the biggest, softest tum and tiny patch of white
But in the dark he’s hid complete, except his eyes so bright.
His bib is white and in the night he looks so crisp and clean
And when he pose, with his white nose, you’d think him soft and lean.
Yet though he’s roly-poly too, don’t ever be deceived
For if a mouse strays in the house its body he’ll retrieve.
And when the mouse is eaten quite, and Beau is feeling full,
He’ll still find room for more food soon – he’s quite unstoppable.
He loves to prowl the garden’s edge defending it from harm
He gives a shout, and then keeps out, the stray cats from the farm.
He runs from path to gate to seek encroaching cats so strong
But with his hiss and yowl and growl, the strays don’t stay for long.
He is a fearsome cat to meet when walking up the lane
But when he purrs at me each night, his softness just remains,
For he is sweet and loving too, his purr a pure delight,
So, he and me, as friends would be, will cuddle half the night.
Written by Fran and Mac Bridger
Thank you for tuning in and I wish you a very happy, relaxed and healthy weekend!
With Love,
Lauren X
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