A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay
Ahoy there, sailor!
How are you today? Another drizzly start but brighter this afternoon and the gardens are looking so much better for it!
Today’s poem is rather lovely, drawing upon the notion that if we could just stand still for a moment. Breathe. Stop. Look. Listen. Then we could all feel so much better as a result. I like this notion.
I don’t do these things anything like enough but when I go for my daily walk later on this evening, I promise to look and listen to the natural world in which we are so lucky to exist.
Stand still for a second and let it touch your face;
The fierce icy wind that chills your bones,
The warming spring sun that caresses your cheeks,
The persistent rain that washes away falseness.
Stand still for a moment and let it permeate your mind;
The sweet smelling honeysuckle that lightens your mood,
The snow that freezes with icy, clean fingers,
The drying seaweed that pops beneath your feet.
Stand still for a minute and let it drop onto your tongue;
The salt flung through the air by a turbulent sea,
The gentle warmth from a refreshing April shower raindrop,
The sweet surprise released by an early autumn blackberry.
Stand still for a while and let it lift up your spirits;
The tuneful song of the courting birds,
The gentle call of a vixen to her cubs,
The enveloping rustle of the wind through deciduous trees.
Stand still and let it seep into your soul;
The spectrum of colours offered by a single view,
The seasons changing landscapes in their entirety,
The wonder of the natural world in all its regal finery.
Stand still and be blessed.
Written by Jo
Thank you for your gorgeous words and sentiments, Jo. Lots for everyone to think about.
Take care and have a lovely evening.
Lauren X
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