2015 Leaflets
This week marks the arrival of our brand new 2015 leaflets, designed by local business Vibrant Pulse.
We have had a whopping 200 000 of them delivered to us here! We have been very busy over the past couple of weeks putting away all of our Christmas bits and pieces to make room for this huge pile of leaflets.
Read about our short ‘Coastal Cruise’ which is new for 2015, included in the Captain’s Special offer!
Very shortly they will be out on display in all the usual places so make sure you grab one for yourself. Or give us a call on 01395 279693 to request one to be sent out to you.
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If we do not have availability for your desired date, please email info@stuartlinecruises.co.uk
with your name, telephone number, desired date and email address so that we can add you to our reserve list.

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