
A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Dear readers,   I hope you are still keeping well! I think we are all looking forward to hearing an announcement this weekend about how we can all start to get back to normal but in the meantime, another beautiful…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Dear readers, I hope you are keeping well? I must first and foremost apologise for my absence for the past few days (although it is very presumptuous of me to assume that you have missed me!). Time is passing in…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Ahoy there, sailor!   How are you today? Another drizzly start but brighter this afternoon and the gardens are looking so much better for it! Today’s poem is rather lovely, drawing upon the notion that if we could just stand…

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⚓ Stuart Line Cruises Monthly Newsletter ⚓ April 2020 ⚓

Welcome to Stuart Line Cruises’ April Newsletter For those of you who are new to this monthly sign-up, welcome! And for those who have been loyal readers for some time, welcome back to your favourite read of the month!  Well…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Hello! I hope you’re keeping safe and well and feeling chipper, despite the rainy weather! Today’s poem was written by Jennifer and was inspired by her wonderful memories of Guided Bird Watching Cruises with us – happy times. GREENSHANKS Grey…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good afternoon, dear readers!   I hope you are keeping well.   Today’s poem is short and sweet and really tickled me! For those who may not be aware, this makes reference to the selection of ales which we serve…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good afternoon, folks. I hope that you are keeping well and have had a wonderful weekend? I hope that you will enjoy reading today’s poem as much as I have.         THE SEA She lies very still…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Good day, folks! I trust this finds you well? The skies are a little more grey here in Exmouth today and I feel a little light-hearted poem will be just the thing to lift spirits and brighten the day! We…

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A Poem a Day to keep Social Isolation at Bay

Ahoy there! Happy Earth Day! A perfect sort of day to celebrate nature and the natural world and what could be more fitting than a gorgeous little poem? Today’s poem was written by a child and was sent to me…

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